BarhopMaps FAQ

Have any questions about how BarhopMaps works? Check out some answers to frequently asked questions below!

When will my location be shared on BarhopMaps?

Your location won’t be visible on BarhopMaps unless you choose to share it with friends when you set up your Barhop Social account. After that, your location will only be shared with your friends who you’ve chosen to share your location with.

What are the different location settings?

When you set up your BarhopMaps, you’ll be able to choose between one of the three privacy settings below:

Ghost Mode (Only Me)

Ghost mode is one of the umbrella privacy features on our app. By tapping the ghost icon in the top right corner of the screen on the Barhop Social home page, you will be prompted to turn on/off Ghost mode. Ghost mode will disable other users from being able to see your location on BarhopMaps. Use this feature when you don’t want any friends to see your location. You will still have full functionality on the app. The only people who will ever be able to see your location are people you have added.

Private Mode (Favorites Only)

Privacy mode is one of the umbrella privacy features on our app. By tapping the eye icon in the top right corner of the screen on the Barhop Social home screen, you will be prompted to turn on/off Privacy mode. Privacy mode will disable other users that are not marked as one of your “favorites” from being able to see your location on BarhopMaps. Use this feature when you only want your favorites to see your location. You will still have full functionality on the app. The only people who will ever be able to see your location are friends you have added. 

Friends Mode

Your location will be shared with all of your friends! This option doesn’t include people who’ve added you as a friend, only people you have added back. 23Branches does not advise you to add people you do not know onto Barhop Social.

Can everyone see my location on BarhopMaps?

Only friends you’ve chosen to share your location with can see where you’re at on BarhopMaps.

How long does my location stay on BarhopMaps?

Your location will disappear from BarhopMaps after you have left a bar / bar district for more than 10 minutes.

Will a friend be notified if I tap on their name?

Friends will not be notified if you tap on their name. Tapping on their name  just lets you start a chat.

Can I disable BarhopMaps?

Once you’ve set up your Barhop Social account for the first time, you can’t disable it altogether. You can always hide your location from other Barhoppers by going into Ghost Mode or Private Mode.

Do you have any tips for keeping my privacy safe when using BarhopMaps?

To make sure you’re staying as safe as possible, we’d suggest:

  • Only choosing to add people you know
  • Checking in on your privacy settings often to make sure you’re sharing your location how you want to (Ghost Mode, Private Mode, Friends Mode)